Thursday, November 21, 2019

Roles that International Non-governmental Organizations Play in Global Essay

Roles that International Non-governmental Organizations Play in Global Issues and the Role that Transnational Civil Society Play in Global Governance - Essay Example However, many international non-governmental organizations were seen to emerge few decades ago that aimed at working towards the same goals on voluntary basis. They have always played a critical part in this regard by participating in agenda setting, devising of policies and incorporation of rules, guidelines and regulatory frameworks (Held and Hervey 96). As a matter of fact, in recent years, communities have begun to rely on them heavily for various social movements and fighting for humanitarian causes. With increasing expectations, these bodies have also enhanced their focus on formulating solutions for overcoming global obstacles and promoting global governance. However, many of these organizations have worked less and advertised their efforts more in order to create better reputation, attract more charitable donations and acknowledgment and restricting their flow to entitled beneficiaries (Holmen and Jirstrom 442-443). Nevertheless, most of such entities have strong ideologies a nd do not publicize their activities or notions; instead they play their part in resolving global issues and bringing peace to world. Many of them claim to be given official status and be legitimized in order to work more effectively towards their causes but considering the nature of their activities, there is not much substance in the question whether they need to be authorized or not. These operations need commitment and genuine concern for abolishment of some social or environmental evil. These organizations have worked hard to achieve many of their targets generating social benefits for masses but still need to show more dedication and work on their mandate, which becomes public image of such ventures. Role of Transnational Civil Society Apart from private and public society... This essay stresses that national governments have always had the primary responsibility of devising solutions for problems faced on global level. However, many international non-governmental organizations were seen to emerge few decades ago that aimed at working towards the same goals on voluntary basis. They have always played a critical part in this regard by participating in agenda setting, devising of policies and incorporation of rules, guidelines and regulatory frameworks. This article makes a conclusion that Kaldor in her book raises the question whether new age of globalization can manage to restore authenticity at national and international levels, while mitigating violence at transnational level through such multinational institutions. According to her, the connection between global governance and organizations’ legitimate authorities is very complicated. Therefore, the effort put by such entities must be backed up with their authoritative structures and must be aimed at enhancing global governance. It is essential to accept that these enterprises have always played significant role in finding solutions to global crisis. Therefore, it is high time that non-governmental and transnational organizations join hands and work on building stronger relationships and coordination amongst them to create synergetic effects and consequently resolve the mentioned global issues on permanent basis, making this global village a better place to live in.

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